
This year, I intend to run my first marathon. In Paris. Paris, France. I figure if I’m going, I’m going big. Grande, n’est pas? I’m on target with my training. I’m aiming at a lower-calorie target, as well, so that my feet, my knees and my various other kibbles and bits are not carrying so much weight for 26.2 miles on French cobblestones. But I’m not calling these intentions ‘resolutions.’ Why not? Reasons.

How about you? What resolution will you not make this year for whatever reasons? You could even title this prompted essay, “Resolution I will not make this year,” or in my case, “Refusal to resolve to run the Paris Marathon, even though I’ve already registered, bought plane tickets, and pinned six dozen photos of the Eiffel Tower on Pinterest.” Just so we’re clear, I’m going to run it. I’m just not going to resolve to run it.

Paris Marathon 2009
Paris Marathon 2009 (Photo credit: Josh Clark)

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